Book Excerps

Excerps from a variety of different novels.


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High Fidelity by Nick Hornby

This is Rob talking about how he'd like to go and meet those people (ex g/f's mainly) who have been in his life.

Bruce Springsteens always doing it in his songs. Maybe not always, but hes done it. You know that one Bobby Jean, off Born in the USA? Anyway, he phones this girl up but shes left town years before and hes pissed off that he didnt know about it, because he wanted to say good-bye, and tell her that he missed her, and to wish her good luck. And then one of those sax solos comes in, and you get goose pimples, if you like sax solos. And Bruce Springsteen. Well, Id like my life to be like a Bruce Springsteen song. Just once. I know Im not born to run. I know that the Seven Sisters Road is nothing like Thunder Road, but feelings cant be so different, can they? Id like to phone all those people up and say good luck, and good-bye, and then theyd feel good and Id feel good. Wed all feel good. That would be good. Great, even.

Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

This is the doctor lamenting about his guilt.

Nothing is more painful to the human mind than, after the feelings have been worked up by a quick succession of events, the dead calmness of inaction and certainty which follows and deprives the soul both of hope and fear.

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

The old man talking to himself, before his battle with the sharks.

"But you have not slept yet, old man," he said aloud. "It is half a day and a night and now another day and you have not slept. You must devise a way so that you sleep a little if he is quiet and steady. If you do not sleep you might become unclear in the head."
I'm clear enough in the head, he thought. Too clear. I am as clear as the stars that are my botheres. Still I must sleep. They sleep and the moon and the sun sleep and even the ocean sleeps sometimes on certain days when there is no currect and a flat calm.

Love Songs of the Tone-Deaf
by Asher Brauner

Ronnie on one of his rants...what else would you expect?

Because if you want to generalize--and merely to converse about the concept of generations we must do so--then let's be honest. None of our wacky cultural traits differentiates us in the least from previous generations of ungrateful, disaffected middle-class whiners. Both Gatsby and Kerouac would recognize us in one drunken glance.